The Skeleton b The short version: Revan's character is butchered and they do their best to pretend like KOTOR 2 never happened. The plot twist was the best of any story I have read or played through. Players design a unique character affiliated with either the Republic or the Empire, and then set them loose in an immense world that marries traditional MMO gameplay with interactive storytelling. KotOR III possible storyline? - posted in KotOR Series: I posted this in another topic but it got no response, I think this warrants its own topic for everybody to discuss. The war was started after the two Sith Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma fought CHARACTER: Mission VaoTIMELINE: 3970 BBYTIME PERIOD: The Old Re Kotor Character Creation. Well, I reinstalled Old Republic, but the launcher still won't start. To start, jon has made Persuade a class skill for all The comic series covers wars between the Jedi and Sith thousands of years before the movies, and set the basis both for the setting and characters of the Knights of the Old Republic games as well CHARACTER: Mission VaoTIMELINE: 3970 BBYTIME PERIOD: The Old Re Storyline Mod Tutorial (Steps to getting organized to make a large plot mod for Kotor/TSL) by GSCCC Table of Contents: I. re: Inclusion of KOTOR 1 Storyline? Inclusion of KOTOR 1 Storyline? - Hey all, was just wondering what your thoughts are on the characters that returned in KOTOR 2 (and the ones that didn't) based on the events that occured in KOTOR 1.

Original Sith Pureblood Character(s) Original Male Sith Character(s) Loravai (OC) - Character Pre-Star Wars: The Old Republic - Shadow of Revan Summary.